Wednesday 18 July 2012

Quick catch up

Yeah yeah yeah, I know it's been a whole 6 months since my last confession ......... I mean blog post. But I lead a very busy life y'know (I'm so 'street') and it isn't always easy for me to get to the computer.
Let's have a quick catch up on the last 6 months shall we?
I spent most of the days asleep, and most of the evenings round at AS & UD's place. 
I ate my body weight in cocktail sausages - every week.
I had a couple of trips to Wales to see Granny Chris.
I slept for a minimum of 16 hours a day.
I had a couple of trips to the hairdresser and no trips to the vet (whoohoooo).
I had some quality cuddles with my Daddy while he was home.
I ate my body weight in anything else I could get my paws on - every week.

I think that just about covers it!

Mummy has me signed up to a new JointCare trial with Pedigree, to try to help my poorly leg (I know I have arthritis, but she still seems to try to shield me from that my calling it my 'poorly leg' !  I'm nearly  13 Mum! )
The trial pack is due to arrive this week, and I'll let you know how I get on.  If the treats I have to eat are tasty (ie rump steak or dairy-based)  I may eat them. If they're boring old chicken, I might not. My choice !

Friday 6 January 2012

Goodbye 2011. Hello 2012

So much of December came and went without much happening.

Mummy and Aunty Sarah had a trip to London again to see a concert. Who did  they see, I hear you cry?  Take one ruddy guess ? Who is the only person Mummy will spend any money going to see in concert ?  You've got it .. Gary Barlow !  This time they went to somewhere called The Royal Albert Hall, and the concert was attended by some Royal bods, as well as lots and lots of mad screechy women ....... like Mummy and Aunty Sarah
I stayed home to keep Uncle Dave company.... well, shame for him to be on his own.  We shared a Chinese takeaway and then had some 'manly' cuddles on the settee. Nice, peaceful night. Until the GB fanclub landed! 
They seemed to be in good spirits though and seemed to have enjoyed the concert.  I hope that is the end of all this Barlow-frenzy for a while. I don't want to be replaced totally as the main man in Mummy's life! (What about Daddy you say? Oh, don't worry. Daddy knows his place!).

Very exciting.... I went to Nannie Chris's house again with Mummy for Christmas. We were there for several days this time, although Mummy wasn't in for much of the time. She was off visiting people, etc etc. But she did find the time to come for a walk with me twice a day. She can't afford not to get the exercise at her age.

I had some sausages and a squeaky newspaper for Christmas. The squeaky newspaper was renamed 'newspaper' after about 30 seconds. Another one bites the dust.
But when we got back to our house a few days later, Mummy had another surprise for me. AS &UD had left me a Christmas pressie in our house too...... a rump steak !  All for me !  Thanks AS & UD, you're the best !!

When AS & UD arrived home from their little break, I made such a fuss of them. Well, they bought me Rump Steak !
 New Year was ok. I was a little bit disappointed when Mummy took me to the Latchett's Hotel (Kennels) on New Year's Eve. It's not that I don't like it there, I do. But New Year of all times !  All the other guests howl and whine.... especially at midnight.  I don't like New Year as much as I used to. Perhaps I'm getting old ?

But, as a real treat, when Mummy came to fetch me a couple of days later, she brought AS & UD too. And in their car!  Whoop whooop. Now that's a treat.  I sat on Mummy's lap on the way home, and leant over the front seats to give New Year kisses to AS & UD.  We picked up a MacDonald's on the way, and when we got home I had my McChicken Nugget Happy Meal. Om nom nom .........
(well I had the nuggets, Mummy had the chips, the drink and the toy ! But it's ok, I was happy with my share).

And here we are ...... 2012. I have my paws crossed for a good year this year.   .
Happy New Year everyone !!

Saturday 3 December 2011

November = Barlow-fest again

November was a relatively quiet month. Just the one bath (bleurgh) and one (DIY) haircut - DIY by Mummy, not by me ... I'm clever, but not that clever !

AS's friend Sharon came to stay with us (them) for a few days - she was lovely. Loud. But lovely.
I also got to see Beth, Caroline and Mummy Helen again, but only for a really short time, because as they arrived to stay with us (AS & UD), Mummy took me to Wales to stay with Nannie Chris (Mummy's Mummy). That was a lovely trip. Nannie Chris spoilt me rotten. She misses Rusty & Samson, so she gave me lots of fuss and cuddles !  I really enjoyed the car journey there and back. I used to be really bad at travelling, with really bad car sickness (see previous blog ) but I'm so much better now. I just lie down and have a bit of a kip ! It makes the journey so much nicer than barfing up all the time !

Our house is just a ruddy Barlow/TakeThat-fest again at the moment. Mummy has had Progress tour DVDs and CDs delivered, and is all "listen to this Jack", "watch this Jack". Plus Gary Barlow is on the telly-box every ruddy weekend on X-Factor, so I get to suffer watching that too, with Mummy swooning all over him. Pah, Barlow. Pah, Take That.  Although, even I have to admit that, very much like my good self, the bloke is definitely improving with age.
Plus Mummy nipped up to London to see Gary live on Loose Women. Seriously, you'd have thought that she was going to bring him home with her, she was sooooo excited. Actually, come to think of it... I think that is EXACTLY what she wanted !  Ha !  He wouldn't survive 2 minutes in this house............not because of me you understand. Because Mummy wouldn't be able to control herself . Parents can be so embarassing sometimes.